Your Business Website is Never Finished

I’ve built and managed a ton of websites for myself and clients. I use to always want to simply “be done”. I wanted to finish the site so I could move on to the next project.

The thing is, once I finished a website, it began to die.

When I stopped adding regular posts, the traffic went down, the interest went down, and the potential clients went down.

When I made regular posts, the traffic went up, interest went up, the potential clients went up, and more conversions were made.

It’s kind of like having a book store with the same books – never getting any new books. Visitors to your book store will stop coming back and even new visitors will recognize that your business is old and outdated.

The Internet is always moving and changing. It never slows down. If you don’t “move” too, your customers will move to another place that does.

The more posts I made, the better. The fresher the content, the more interest. The more interested visitors, the more customers.

Your website is never “finished”. Unless your business is…


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