It was AWESOME! I love thrilling rides. I live in Florida – home of Disney, Universal, and many more theme parks where I get to go on a lot of exciting rides with my family. The Transformers 3-D Ride just got built at Universal Studios Orlando and I got to take a “sneak peek” with […]
Mobile Responsive Website Design – Marketing Mischief?
Webmasters are up to their normal “tricks” again… They are spinning the latest technology buzzword as the greatest thing since sliced bread… At least when it comes to mobile websites. It is being marketed as an “easy fix” to get new clients and sales from mobile devices. It’s all MARKETING MISCHIEF… They only want to […]
Nerds are Stupid
I was just like all the other clueless nerdy webmasters. I could whip up a website in no time at all. I even used the vi editor (geeks will appreciate this) to whip up dynamic websites with massive backends before the days of WordPress. Coding has always been FUN for me… Like I said, I’m […]
Donald Trump’s Marketing Mistake
I don’t normally watch much TV since it sucks away too much of my valuable time. However… I was walking through the living room the other day and my wife was watching Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice. I caught the very tail end of it where they meet in the board room and after they discuss […]
5 Website Makeover Rules To Avoid Certain Death
Are you struggling to get new clients? Are the bills eating you alive? Do you feel like your business is going in the wrong direction? Maybe your website needs a makeover. Have you ever watched an extreme home makeover show? You know… Where they take a family that is struggling and in a few days […]
Your Customers Don’t Want to Buy Anything
I went to a local cupcake shop a few days ago to buy my wife some fancy gourmet cupcakes. After I selected several for my wife, I thought about getting a couple for myself to enjoy. I asked for a discount on a second cupcake for half price after buying one (and the other half dozen […]